Allen Bellman Captain America Sketch

by Michael Viera
(Tampa, Florida, United States)

Allen Bellman Captain America Sketch

Allen Bellman Captain America Sketch

Allen Bellman Captain America Sketch

An original sketch by Allen Bellman who was a Captain America artist in WW2. Contains Captain America, Red Skull, and Hitler.

We believe this will sell for $100-200 on eBay.

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Nov 13, 2023

by: Sean

You can email pics to ash [[[at]]]

Nov 11, 2023
Allen bellman
by: Joaquin rivera

I have Alan Bowman's very last full blank covers sketch and colored of the human torch blasting his way through a Nazi balloon. I know it's the very last one because my friend is the one that had sent him the books to both our sketches and after he was done mine he had passed away before he could even start my friend who works for cvcs so I was wondering is there a way I can post it so people can actually see what Alan bellman's final blank sketch was

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